Sporting Systems has long been Vancouver’s and greater Southwest Washington’s premier gun shop. Customers know they can turn to us whenever they need new firearms and accessories or when their interests turn more toward vintage guns and the accessories that go with those. Now we can add another tremendous service. Sporting Systems has added Minuteman Ammunition to our company’s portfolio, an exceptional collaboration between two local brands.
Minuteman Ammunition, formerly based in Carson, Washington, manufactures premium defense rifle and pistol ammunition. For many years, Minuteman has produced premium ammunition with an emphasis on quality and affordability over mass production.
Now, with a new relationship alongside Sporting Systems, their manufacturing operations have relocated to Washougal, Washington.
Already In Motion
In fact, this process is underway, with limited production commencing in March 2021. At that point, we will begin accepting online orders. Shipments will begin again at that time, and we’ll also have retail availability at Sporting Systems in Vancouver.
This pause in production will allow additional components to arrive while we complete our premium, high-quality manufacturing and onsite-production development facility.
We’re working hard to keep this pause in production to a minimum. You can be sure, however, that once we’re up and running at full capacity, this new partnership between Sporting Systems and Minuteman ammo will allow us to better serve the needs of our customers.
The marriage of these two great Pacific Northwest companies will result in a synergy that benefits both our local customers and those we serve across the nation.
If you’re interested in learning more about the two companies, please check out our website here at Sporting Systems, as well as Minuteman Ammunition.
Sporting Systems
Sporting Systems offers a wide variety of firearms, accessories, and specialty items for both seasoned and first-time gun owners. Our shop is expertly curated, and our staff is here to answer any questions you may have.
We can help you find the perfect firearm for you, your home, and your family. Stop by today and you’ll see how well-designed our store is. Come in and handle our products, and use our tools and workbenches. Or just look around and ask any questions about any of our items.
And remember, we sell firearms in Vancouver WA, but we serve the greater Pacific Northwest. This includes Spokane, Seattle, Pendleton, Boise, and more!